make a house a home
Shop handmade home
A softer space is a more inviting space- shop handmade home with fabric accessories.
Soft furnishings are an important part of an interior design scheme- especially in the lounge and bedroom where the primary function is to relax.
I have difficulty finding soft furnishings I like. Antique textiles in a good condition are hard to source because fabric degrades over time if it is not looked after. Other materials like wood, metal and plastic are much more durable.
Having worked in museums I can’t help but be drawn to any interior item with a cultural or historical reference. This often isn’t enough though, it needs to be something a bit different, perhaps even edgy.
I therefore saw the creation of an interior design shop as a perfect opportunity to sell my kind of soft furnishings.
I had some ideas, but I knew I didn’t have the knowledge, ability, or time to develop and produce something on my own. The right person to collaborate with wasn’t just around the corner (literally).
Bobbi Handmade (see image of Bobbi in her studio) is a Rhayader based designer and maker of beautiful children’s clothing. Bobbi Handmade started in 2011 transitioning from Bobbi’s successful family business established in the 1970s.
Pre-pandemic, Bobbi was trading regularly at UK festivals and had a permanent site in the prestigious Covent Garden. Thankfully, she continues to successfully trade online:
I feel very fortunate to team up with someone who has such an impressive set of skills, and expertise.

Bobbi from Bobbi Handmade pictured in her studio in Rhayader, Powys
Shop handmade home for permanent bunting:
Bunting is a great way of making a space feel special for a celebration. It can also be a lovely permanent feature. This is not a new idea of course. I think we forget our ceilings can be an area of decoration- we have a light fitting and that is often it.
Highly elaborate and decorative cornicing and ceiling plaster moulding is commonplace in period stately homes. It serves as a status symbol, and when one recalls the wonder of looking up at the ceilings in Chatsworth House or Hardwick Hall one can’t help but be impressed.
Bunting is generally hung above head height, but it is a much more relaxed, organic affair. It comes in all shapes and sizes and is cute. Cute is fine but this wasn’t going to be cute bunting. I do like however, how bunting changes the feel of a space.
I visited Gifford’s Circus in the summer of 2019 with my children. A few of my friends had been recommending I go for some time, and I finally got around to it. Well, I’m sure glad I did- aside from the fab rag bunting hanging in the bar tent (which I will get to I promise) the circus itself was just amazing. A proper old-fashioned circus with an indescribable magic. If you get a chance go and experience it!
In the bar tent they had draped handmade rag bunting- it embodied the free spirit of the place and I immediately thought ‘someday, I want to capture some of that’.
Luckily, I took a photo of it and to my delight Bobbi had made similar bunting to decorate her wedding reception venue!
So, taking our references as inspiration we set about formulating how Bobbi Handmade/3LD bunting would look.
I love earthy and jewel colours- natural and striking. Bobbi loves African fabrics (amongst many other types I expect).
So, when Bobbi suggested some beautiful and striking African print fabric (see Bobbi’s beautiful throws in 3LD’s online shop), I knew we were on the right track!
I try and conduct my business in as green a way as possible (scroll down to 3LD green policy). It is important therefore that any new products are created with the care of the planet in mind. Rag bunting fits the brief as Bobbi gets to use up her offcuts.
Bobbi also makes amazing throws for 3LD (soon to be added to the online shop), so the offcuts from this are used for the bunting.
With Bobbi’s experience as a creative, her rag bunting is designed to hang beautifully in your home. The aesthetic reminds me of rag rugs.
Check out the rag bunting colour range in 3 Legged Duck interior design shop online.
I have them hanging in the shop and they decorate and soften the space. They also function as a lighting baffle- masking the glare of the focus lighting in the window.

Before you put your old clothes in the recycling….
You could make your own rag bunting.
Here’s what you need:
- Natural cotton rope cord (or the length and colour you desire). Shop for it here.
- Good sharp scissors
- Needle and thread
- Scraps of fabric of your choice or buy online from other makers. Here’s a lovely option using silk sari remnants.
Cut your fabric into strips to approximate size 25cm x 3cm. For the best effect vary the lengths and widths slightly. Cut your length of cord to about 20-30cm longer than you require to allow for hanging loops. To attach the fabric, simply fold the strip in half and lay the cord across on top. Bring the fabric ends to the fold and thread the ends in between the fold ensuring it is looping around the cord, then pull tight. This technique ensures the fabric hangs in one direction and the loop covers the cord neatly. Repeat until you have the desired amount. Then it is simply a case of creating the hanging loops by looping the ends and sewing to fix into place.
I recommend natural cotton core-spun braided rope cord because this will not stretch, is soft, pliable, and hardwearing. It’s the kind of cord used by magicians! Standard string/jute will stretch over time and eventually breakdown.
Then it’s a case of hanging in place- I have hard walls and use the 4 pin hooks which also work perfectly in the ceiling.

Other unusual ideas with fabric
Instead of using picture hanging cord, try twisting heavy weight cotton fabric. Check out this antique carved wood panel and beach watercolour with this added decorative feature. It is beautiful, functional and has a rustic charm.
Shop handmade home with soft furnishings in a room are like a scarf around your neck. They create added interest, embellishment and comfort- the finishing touch!